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Is the only new things in v2.0 the bonus pack, QoL and some bug fixes?

Check out the devlog for a list of all the changes!

But yes, I think you've summarized most of the changes.

I feel like it's not quite right to call it a 2.0 then, since most of the content is in the bonus pack. Something like v1.1 would be more accurate, in my opinion.

Ya you are probably right, next update I'll fix the version number. Thanks!


I like the concept. I think it would be neat if later into the game there were some special enemies, like maybe an enemy that moves 1/2 the speed but takes 2 hits to kill. If you're taking suggestions on heroes to add next, how about Korra from Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Her ability could be to make a wall that could absorb a limited number of hits, but lasted forever until it did wear out.


Those are some really good ideas. I do want to add different types of enemies and Korra from Avatar would be fun! Let me see what I can do for the next update. Thanks for the feedback!


when do you expect to release the next update, or do you not know?

Also, I have a couple more ideas: an enemy type that moves 1.5x as fast, but instead of damaging, they just disable/put on cooldown the hit heroine's power. Or, an enemy type that damages a random heroine if you touch it with your mouse (or maybe only when you're not using a power if that's too OP). 


No timeline for the next update yet.

Lots of ideas to think about, thanks!

Add not ass sorry


Can ass natyila from destroy all humans


Good idea, what ability do you think she could have in this game?

good point she is athletic maybe punch or high kick move or bc she did mate with crypto she telethkiensis enemies? 


Great, I'll think about that and try to get her in the next update.

thanks she awesome character you see in pardory which is sad 


Artwork is good. But the gameplay is only okay.

Not all heroes can actually KILL the droplets, and cooldowns make it so Assassin is basically needed.


Thank you for the feedback! Much appreciated.

My idea with the Assassin is that she is good at the start but as the wave of enemies gets out of control you need more area of effect heroes to slow them down and clear them in one big attack.

I'm still working on the balance to make each hero viable. Let me know if you have any recommendations.

Thanks again!

All heroes should be able to kill the droplets. This might require you to give them two abilities.


Those are some good ideas. I'll think about them for a future update. Thanks.

No problem!